Commands and Shortcuts

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Shortcut Command Description Examples
HOME .contactme Send contact me message if the command line is EMPTY. .contactme <click on a TAG or AC in the list>

.contactme <ASEL to use selected aircraft>

F1 + [1 - 9] ASR fast load keys
F1 + A .am This command opens the flightplan amendment dialog of an aircraft. .am <click on a TAG or AC in the list>

.am <ASEL to use selected aircraft> .am <aircraft callsign>

F1 + C .chat It opens a chat window to a specified controller or pilot. .chat <controller or pilot callsign> [<callsign2>] [<callsign3>] ...

.chat <click on a TAG or AC in the list> .chat <ASEL to use selected aircraft>

F1 + F .find Using this command you can find an aircraft on the radar screen.

It draws a wide white line from the center of the radar screen to the aircraft specified as parameter. The line remains on the screen for 5 seconds.

.find <aircraft callsign>.find <click on a TAG or AC in the list>.find <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
F1 + I .inf It sends an information request to the selected controller or aircraft.

The answer will come back as private message.

.inf <controller or aircraft callsign>

.inf <click on a TAG or AC in the list>

.inf <ASEL to use selected aircraft>

F2 .qd It toggles the display of the metar of the specified stations. .qd <station1> [<station2>] [<station3>] ..
F3 .qt It accepts "handoff initiated to me" or starts tracking an untracked aircraft. .qt <click on a TAG or AC in the list>

.qt <ASEL to use selected aircraft>

F4 .qx It drops an aircraft or initiate handoff. Like .contactme it also works on the aircraft that is under the cursor. If next sector is defined it initiates handoff. If next is not defined it drops the track of aircraft. .qx <click on a TAG or AC in the list>

.qx <ASEL to use selected aircraft>

Shift + F4 .qy It is used to drop track of the aircraft. .qy <click on a TAG or AC in the list>

.qy <ASEL to use selected aircraft>

F5 .qz This function changes the final altitude of an aircraft.

Important that it does not change the flight plan, just assigns a final altitude.

.qz <altitude in 100 feets> <click on a TAG or AC in the list>

.qz <altitude in 100 feets> <ASEL to use selected aircraft>

F6 .qu It displays the flight strip of the selected aircraft in the place of the standard CHAT window.
F7 If you are using more than one radar layouts at a time press this key to switch between them.
F8 .qq This function changes the temporary altitude of an aircraft. If no altitude data is specified then it clears the previously set temporary altitude. .qq [<altitude in 100 feets>] <click on a TAG or AC in the list>

.qq [<altitude in 100 feets>] <ASEL to use selected aircraft>

F9 .qb It sets the squawk code (manually or automatically) or the communication type of an aircraft. If no additional parameter then an automatic squawk value is assigned.